What problems do Belarusians encounter in Poland? How do they stand out from other minority groups? How are they perceived by Poles?
Belarusians are one of the national groups most frequently coming to Poland recently. Their decisions to leave are often dictated by the difficult situation in Belarus – while in exile they actively fight to improve it. At the same time, they try to integrate in Polish cities where the local community often has a strong opinion about the country they come from. These circumstances may cause prejudice and caution when establishing interpersonal relationships. Due to the current political conditions, Biatorusians may also face reluctance from people from other national minorities in our country. Mrs. Natalia Khatsko and Mr. Artur Kviatsinski will talk about the everyday experiences of Belarusian women and men in Wroctaw, about the activities of the Belarusian Solidarity Union Association and how the attitude towards the Belarusian minority has changed over the years. They will share two different perspectives: Natalia has been living in Poland since 2022. and Artur since 2008.
We invite you to watch the film —> https://youtu.be/ua6y6KUUjhI?si=dcueZ5jIQ1RGyMFd
The film is a recording of the meeting “Stereotypes about Belarusians”, which took place on June 3, 2023 as part of the “Us and Them” project. The event took place at the Ukrainian Center for Culture and Development and was held under the honorary patronage of the Commissioner for Human Rights and the patronage of the “Za wolność waszą naszą” Foundation.