Is it possible not to go to school? What might our education look like then? Is it worth choosing home education? We will talk about the above dilemmas and many possible education paths on February 27, 2022 (Sunday) at 11:00

Our speaker will be Oliwia Bartosik from Szkoła w Chmrze (School in a Cloud). As she says about herself: I don’t like obvious things, but I am in love with finding ways to do things differently than “EVERYONE”. That is why (but not only why) the topic of alternative education has been circling my interests and research for several years. I am currently working at the Chmura School and the part that I consider and feel as my own is building a community, establishing deeper relationships with students and parents who come to the Chmura. Apart from that, in my life I sometimes write, sometimes I dance, I talk a lot with people and I like “difficult” topics. I am interested in alternative ways of life (ecovillages, communes and life on the move) and I want to look for the best one for myself.
You can read more about Szkoła w Chmurze here.
The webinar will take place live on our Facebook page, as a part of the “In 2022 I will step out of my information bubble” event. Participants will be able to ask questions to our speaker – we invite you to actively participate! More information at this address
The graphics were made by Anna Kacprzak Graphic Design.
We invite all people and companies who would like to support the organisation of this type of initiatives to contact us via e-mail