Why is a carrot a fruit according to EU law? Do candidates for the European Parliament indicate in their promises issues that are beyond their competences? What’s the deal with veto power?
Today we are discussing the above issues – and many others regarding EU law and the upcoming elections to the European Parliament.
Our guest is Dr. Hab. Aleksander Cieśliński, professor at the University of Wrocław, who specializes in European Union law, with particular emphasis on internal market law and proceedings before the CJEU. Professor at the Department of International and European Law, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wrocław, and at the same time a legal advisor with over 20 years of experience in developing legal opinions and expert opinions in the field of EU law, international protection of human rights for public and private sector entities, international law and experience of participating in proceedings before the ECtHR and the CJEU. Author and co-author of many scientific publications and studies, including: in the field of EU and economic law.
The conversation was led by Martyna Gietz – a graduate of journalism and social communication. He is interested in marketing and the characteristics and impact of social media on their users. Volunteer (currently Coordinator) at Slot Art Festival for five years; she also participated in the “Above the Borders” project as part of the ECoC 2016, which concerned cooperation between Polish and Iranian youth, and performed on stage as part of the “Ulotny Teatr Improvyzacji” group. Coordinator of the Social Media Team at the Kontrasty Association. As part of the “We and Them” project, she conducted, among others: conversations with prof. Dariusz Doliński, Ph.D. Tomasz Grzyb prof. SPWS, Dr. Jakub Kuś and meetings from the series “Stereotypes about…”.
The film was recorded and edited by the aim-Studio. Thank you!
The conversation was organized thanks to the KICKSTARTER project – a program strengthening NGOs in which we participate as one of ten organizations. The project is implemented by the Humanity in Action Polska Foundation and financed by the “Memory, Responsibility, Future” Foundation (EVZ). Its media patron is NGO.pl.