Izabela Sojewska
Project management team
Originator of the Project, lawyer, graduate of Image Communication and student of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Wrocław.
In the Project, she deals with organizational aspects – primarily team management, strategy, documentation, contact with experts, partners and the media, establishing cooperation, organizing training and meetings, running social media, recruiting volunteers and preparing the content of promotional materials.
She plans everything so thoroughly that the team members are not sure if they can choose what they want to eat for breakfast. Enthusiast of moth-eaten clothes, berets, picnics, mythology, cinnamon, organizing other people’s lives and getting irritated for no reason.
Planuje wszystko tak szczegółowo, że członkowie Zespołu nie są pewni czy mogą sami wybrać, co chcą zjeść na śniadanie. Entuzjastka ubrań zjedzonych przez mole, beretów, pikników, mitologii, cynamonu, organizowania innym życia oraz irytowania się bez powodu.
Dawid Gawlik
Substantive team
Originator of the Project and Master of Science in Spatial Management at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Environmental Management of the University of Wrocław
In the Project, he deals with substantive aspects – he is responsible primarily for analyzing press information and internet content, examining problems and diagnosing the needs of local communities, developing scenarios of conversations and street polls, running social media and organizing debates: he supervises the order of their course, recruits participants and provides substantive support for them.
He can stay silent for a week and then do everything in one day.Privately, he is a fan of safes, calcio, eating ice cream in the cinema (only when watching weak horror films) and searching for dramas on Twitter and Tik Tok. Actually, he doesn’t like to eat breakfast, so he gets along great with Iza.
Sebastian Smolarczyk
IT engineer and Master of Science in Applied Computer Science, second degree, at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
He is responsible for the Project website, responds to current failures and problems, and supervises the technical aspects of meetings, debates, training and webinars.
In fact, he doesn’t quite know how he ended up in the Project. Passionate about sleeping, DIY, cute dogs, preparing pasta in various ways, as well as all household appliances that are currently on sale.
Planuje wszystko tak szczegółowo, że członkowie Zespołu nie są pewni czy mogą sami wybrać, co chcą zjeść na śniadanie. Entuzjastka ubrań zjedzonych przez mole, beretów, pikników, mitologii, cynamonu, organizowania innym życia oraz irytowania się bez powodu.
Anna Szczepanowicz
Editing team
A graduate of the Secondary School No. 2 in Oleśnica, majoring in humanities and psychology.
Dominika Borecka
Accessibility team
Student of law and economics at the University of Economics and the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań.
Planuje wszystko tak szczegółowo, że członkowie Zespołu nie są pewni czy mogą sami wybrać, co chcą zjeść na śniadanie. Entuzjastka ubrań zjedzonych przez mole, beretów, pikników, mitologii, cynamonu, organizowania innym życia oraz irytowania się bez powodu.
Alicja Ciesielska
A student of a high school in Łódź and a geography enthusiast.
Martyna Gietz
Social media team
Graduate of journalism and social communication. He is interested in marketing and the characteristics and impact of social media on their users.
Planuje wszystko tak szczegółowo, że członkowie Zespołu nie są pewni czy mogą sami wybrać, co chcą zjeść na śniadanie. Entuzjastka ubrań zjedzonych przez mole, beretów, pikników, mitologii, cynamonu, organizowania innym życia oraz irytowania się bez powodu.
Kamil Żółkiewicz
Promotion team
Privately, he works as an accountant, teacher and editor. Master's degree in Finance and Accounting at the University of Szczecin. Non-governmental organizations are very close to him.
In the Project, he coordinates the work of the promotion team. Responsible for allocating tasks to team members regarding promoting activities. His responsibilities also include the website and WordPress management. He is always supportive during challenges and new experiences for his team.
In many aspects, he strongly focuses on opportunities for development, meeting new people and looking for new challenges. This is how he found himself in the Kontrasty Project, which allows for the implementation of all the above-mentioned issues. He believes that the head is there to have too much hair on it and to deal with eternal matters.
Grzegorz Noworyta
A newly graduated engineer and a second-cycle student of Management and Production Engineering at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
In the project, he is primarily responsible for organizing events, establishing cooperation with organizations and maintaining constant contact with them. He makes hundreds of calls to contractors and enters dozens of information into the system so that everyone is up to date with everything.
An extreme individualist, but he is able to find a common ground with everyone. He keeps several Excel spreadsheets where he keeps track of things in his life. A lover of reports, reading all kinds of unnecessary statistics and drinking lots of water.
Planuje wszystko tak szczegółowo, że członkowie Zespołu nie są pewni czy mogą sami wybrać, co chcą zjeść na śniadanie. Entuzjastka ubrań zjedzonych przez mole, beretów, pikników, mitologii, cynamonu, organizowania innym życia oraz irytowania się bez powodu.